sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009

real life drama

i remember the first time we met,
i was in about to do a test,
and i needed one cause i forgot mine at home...
i asked and asked if some1 had one,
until finaly some1 had one and was willing to lend it to me....
thats when our eyes met...
i started to do my test, we where having such a good time,
we had such a good chemistry,
i wasn't aware of time and space,
i just used it and used it and our trust was unbreakable,
at least for the moment...
i just stood there,
writing and writing, ignoring the warnings that ppl gave me...
telling me that it was broken,
i didnt believe em,
i was blinded by the happiness,
i mean, i just wanted to get the test done,
and i was making the most of it...
i even remember i was one of the first ones to finish with a big smile cause i knew i did good,
cause i did study for the test, and it was all thanks to it...
then, it was time to go... i had to return it...
it was sad, but things just happen,
i knew i had to return it to the rightfull owner...

the day we got our tests graded, i got an F...
i was like WTF i totaly knew everything and did every effing problem in the test...
it turned out that something was in fact wrong with it....
i did every procidure the right way, at the end when i had to use it...
it showed me the wrong answers...

so yeah,

this is the story of an OVERLY DRAMATIC phase in mi life,

i like to blog so why not make it one... and yeah i killed 2 birds in 1 shot... im practicing my english too.. :D


domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009

mi puerta

mi puerta,
la hice durante los semestrales de quinto semestre,
como me estresaba mucho tenia que hacer algo que no matara mis neuronas
(ver TV o computadora),
por lo que decidi usar un catalogo de ikea y lo hice en esto xD...
la otra parte me quedo chafaaaaa ajajaj

me como los acentos y las faltas de hortografia

miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009

bno solo dejo el video ajaja se me hizo chistoso xD
bno ire a hacer tareaaa

viernes, 6 de febrero de 2009

Drama es WOW, WOW!

Playas beach, Los Cerros y ahora La Ciudat,
drama diario ;),
necesitamos una pagina de Chica indiscreta aajajajjaja,
/sarcasm off

lunes, 26 de enero de 2009

Farenheit 451, temperatura en la que el papel de los libros inflama y arde.

-Ahora, he de ir a ver a mi psiquiatra. Me obligana ir. Invento cosas que decirle. Ignoro lo que pensará de mí. !Dice que soy una cebolla muy original! Le tengo ocupado pelando capa tras capa.

:c ross me dijo el final del libro D:
el beibi de la baby :D

(no es mio el "plebe", pero sere el padrino de las servilletas en el bby shower :P)

sábado, 24 de enero de 2009


quiero usar un desfibrilador para salvarle la vida a alguien,
quiero mostrarles a mis amigos un kaleidoscopio,
quiero dispararle a santa con una pistola de agua,
quiero hacer un avión de papel que vuele de un continente a otro,
quiero romper una piñata de donde salga dinero,
quiero pintar mi techo como el cielo,
quiero sembrar mi propia fruta, legumbres y vegetales,
quiero comunicarme por vasos conectados por un cordón,
quiero escribir una novela con un final impredecible,
quiero traducir un cuento en un dialecto a 5 idiomas,
quiero comprar una isla en el mediterraneo,
quiero actuar en la siguiente pelicula de Forest Gump,
quiero conquistar y colonizar una tribu perdida en el amazonas,
quiero tapizar las paredes de mi cuarto con arte abstracta,
quiero subirme a un globo aerostático y tirarme con un paracaidas,
llegar a la cima de una pirámide antigua.

Personalidad ISFP

Interested in the fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. They are shy and retiring, and are not talkative,. They are not big on commitment.
Introverts: Speak up.
Introverts need to get their side of the story out in the open. As difficult as it is for introverts to speak up at meetings, it is imperative to ensure conflict resolution.
Sensors: Look beyond the facts.
Sensors need to occasionally look beyond the obvious facts and consider extenuating circumstances.

Feelers: Be firm.
Feelers should not apologize for showing emotion. At the same time, they must occasionally say something frank, or even mean. People will respect their honesty.
Perceivers: Pick one side of the fence.
Perceivers have both the blessing and the curse of being able to see all sides of an argument. A devil's advocate is sometimes counterproductive in conflict resolution. Ps should learn to defend the position about which they feel most strongly.

ISFPs can be over-accepting of others and need to be more skeptical at times. Their need to please everyone makes them reluctant to critique any one but themselves. This excessive desire to trust others makes them targets for hurt feelings and disadvantaged relationships. Long-range planning and adherence to policies can be their downfall. When the freedom to act on their instincts is limited, ISFPs become bored, restless, and passively defiant. They are skilled at seeming to comply with regulations while annoying those who cause them distress.

If stress continues to build, ISFPs will penalize others through self-degrading behavior. This behavior has the tendency to divert accountability away from themselves and onto others who they blame for their plight. This restores the excitement back into ISFP's lives while at the same time getting even with their accused oppressors. Rationalizing their responsibilities, stressed-out ISFPs attempt to find their way out of unstimulating circumstances through seeking inappropriate thrills.


This lists represent careers and jobs people of your type tend to enjoy doing. The job requirements are similar to the personality tendencies of your personality type. It is important to remember that this is not a list of all the jobs possible. And it is very important to remember that people can, and frequently do, fill jobs that are dissimilar to their personality... this happens all the time...and sometimes works out quite well.

clerical supervisor
dental assistant
physical therapist
radiology technologist
landscaper designer
crisis hotline operator
teacher: elementary
marine biologist
social worker

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